In case you're wondering why Brea has that lovely (not to mention STINKY) C-collar on. A bad combination of Trike, steep concrete driveway, big noggin', little strength, super mom (sarcastic obviously). Anyway. . . We are so blessed to find out after 4 long days in ICU that it was a bruise on her spine. Poor bug. . . . doesn't she have to deal with enough. I really am trying, I promise.
It was so great to see those little slits after some LONG days. I admit my FEAR outgrew my FAITH on this one, but not BREA'S. She has COMPLETE FAITH.
Even better, our Brea back. . . . She lost all movement on her left side and therapists thought it would take 6+ months to get complete movement back. They obviously didn't know Brea. She was walking 2 days after we got home from the hospital and probably 100% back 1-2 weeks later.
What a miracle. . . never experienced anything quite like it. Thanks sooo soo much for all your prayers and fasting. I don't know about for Brea and the rest, but this was rougher for me than all her surgeries put together. . .
Gage felt a little left out and wanted a mark on his head as well.
You are an AMAZING mom! and Brea such a little fighter.
You are a wonderful mom. One of the most amazing I know--all small children will have trike accidents--There isn't anything you can do to prevent that! {except keep her in a bubble...but Brea would have nothing of that!}
We are all just so thrilled that she pulled through so amazingly. SHE is truly an inspiration to me. What a sweet little angel you have!
It broke my heart when I heard the news, and I just felt grateful that I live 2 minute away from the hospital and could see you both there. It's obvious where Brea gets her strength of character. You are such a strong, courageous mom, Jocey! Love you!
Good grief Jocey this broke my heart to read. What an amazing little girl you have there! You are also amazing and I hope you never forget that, even during the hard times!
I have been thinking about your family and Brea. I am so glad that things have turned out well!
What a fighter! So glad she is doing great! You are amazing, and such an example to me!
I am so glad that she is okay. She is such a little fighter and is so lucky to have such an amazing family supporting her!!
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