Thursday, October 9, 2008

Congratulations DAD!!

Great Job Dad!!  Ben did awesome.  He finished the race even with a bum knee the last 13 miles.  He ran it in 3:43:00.  He is sooooo sore, but he says he better run again next year.  Hope we don't got an addict.  
Andee was so excited to find her dad at the end of the marathon.  It rained the entire 26+ miles. 
Brea hanging out at Grandma Sherri's.  She's getting so big and doing so good.

Andee playing in the rain with her cousins in St. George

1 comment:

The Zouns said...

So it is true, the only thing I could say when Jake said Ben was running a marathon was "Hobson?"
Way to go Ben!